Sunday, January 25, 2009

Finally almost over!!!

Tomorrow is my last day of radiation therapy. I am really excited and happy at the same time. About a week ago I ended the tumor fluid radiation which was 3 weeks. About last tuesday I started a radiation that was more focused on the tumor. The tumor fluid radiation was tiring but I think the direct tumor radiation kicked my butt alot more. Sometimes it made me a bit naseated and I definently had no energy at times but eventually (could be up to a year unfortunatley) my energy will come back.

I dressed out this weekend for my hockey games. That really got my spirits up too. We had two huge games against the two rival teams Littleton black and Littleton red. I dressed and had two decent warm ups and in the second game against Littleton red i got about a 20 second shift. Although I would not consider this a comeback I was happy I still got to dress. My goal is to try to be back into the rotation by next weekend against DU. This is perfect timing for playoffs coming up too.

My hair is starting to grow back kinda but you can still see my pale head but you can definently tell its starting to come back.

I am hoping to blog soon about all the test I have coming up and FINALLY DONE WITH CANCER TREATMENTS!!!

I will try to blog tomorrow about the last day of radiation.

Thanks so much for your prayers and support

I am so lucky to have so many great friends!



Anonymous said...


I think the way you are progessing you will be ready for an Avs sweater...of course, that is not a compliment to you since any addition to their team would be an improvement. Did you see Hejduk miss a great chance for the West to win the All Star game?

I can tell you are ready to be done with the treatments but remember they really have only begun. Once you lick cancer you have the long road of recovery to kick the Avs' habit. Not to worry, it can be done...just look at Patrick Roy--he did it. So buck up and get ready for true healing. Repeat after me...I love Marty Turco...I love Mike Modano...I love Brad Richards.... Aren't you feeling better already?

Guess who

Anonymous said...

How's it going, Tristan? What are your plans for the summer?