From Lenina (Tristan's Mom)
I got a card in the mail a few days ago that had 3 pairs of shoes on the front. The inside said "Do any of these shoes go with my stress?" I laughed. As they say, laughter is some of the best medicine when life challenges are rather serious. Thank you all for your cards, calls and prayers.
Tristan is doing remarkably well given all that he's been through. Although he still appears somewhat pale and weak at times, he went to both of his team's hockey games this weekend (sat on the bench with the team but didn't play), he had some friends over at various times throughout the weekend, and is keeping up with both of the classes that he's taking through the home hospital program. The nausea has mostly subsided and last check, his blood counts were good and no blood transfusion was needed. We've been forewarned that this could all change drastically and almost instantly, but for now, we thank God that at least for this day, he is doing great. (relatively speaking of course!)
One of the most amazing blessings in a situation like this is the tremendous support of friends and family. There have been so many random (and not so random) acts of kindness - it would be impossible to recount them all. I pray that God will bless each of you who have so kindly reached out to us. One of the most incredible examples of this support is my brother, Trenton, whom many of you know as "the cigar guy". He shaved his head last week in support of Tristan. What an awesome uncle!
Hey - is that a ginger ale in your hand?
Hey - is that a ginger ale in your hand?
Tristan really enjoys reading all your comments on this blog - so keep them coming! They are a tremendous encouragement to him.
I am so grateful for all of you. I deeply appreciate all the thoughts, prayers and kindness that continues to come our way. Thank you - and many returned blessings to all of you.
Tristan!! It's Goose! Glad to here you're doing so well. Tell your family I said hello too! Hey I moved to Fort Collins in hopes of getting accepted into the Vet school up here, so if you guys ever get up this way, give me a holler!! 970 222 2871. We're too close to not get together some time! (apparently I like exclamation points!!) haha Well hang in there, and let me know if you need to get out, we'll go have a guys time out! Talk to you soon!
Just when I was about to give you crap about the Avs and their last place standing my poor Dallas Stars had to let in a goal with :28seconds left to lose to the Sharks and join the Avs in the cellar. At least I know the Stars will only be there temporarily; however, the Avs should get comfortable.
Nice to see that you are going to games and doing some homework. You really should be milking this thing with your Mom. She's a bleeding heart. Try something like...Gee, I really could use a new IPod...if she hesitates then moan a little and go to the bathroom. Or, how about a gaming laptop? Tell Mom and Dad that on-line gaming takes your mind off your problems but on-line gaming requires a 2.4 GHz, 4 MB cache, integrated video card machine. Gee, Dell seems to be having a sale. Hmmmm....
Bill M.
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